Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Home of the Roy Hart Theatre

Ok, so as I mentioned in my last post (which I'm SURE you read!), the Chateau at which I spent my Christmas holidays is the home of the Roy Hart Theatre Company.

Told ya. Roy Hart was a vocal theorist who specialized in helping people find all of the capabilities of the voice, and creating theatre to take advantage of it.

Here is the building where all of the rehearsal/performance spaces are housed:

The most observant of you may notice this is taken from the opposite side than the photo it appears in in my last post. Points for you if you did.

First, we will enter the door on the left, which brings us into the main performance space:

Seriously, how cool would it be to live in a chateau AND have a theatre?!

A glance out the theatre's window at the rest of the chateau:

At the bottom of the staircase you see in the photo above, you will see this sign:

...which leads to this rehearsal space (one of 5, yes FIVE rehearsal studios):

The small stained glass windows in that photo were installed in memory of one of the members of the company after she passed away, years ago.

Speaking of which, a little story for you. Shortly after moving the company from London to this chateau in France, the company began touring a show. While touring, a car crash occurred, killing 3 company members, including Roy Hart and his wife. They were buried at the chateau, here:

I'm told the funeral was beautiful with plenty of harmonious singing, as can be hoped for from a company specializing in vocal work.

In the years following, several other company members who passed were buried nearby, along a path leading from Roy's grave.

I'll leave you with that. :)

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