Sunday, October 9, 2011

Florence! (part 3)

Alright! Here is the amazing conclusion to my splendid day in Florence! In the late afternoon we decided to check out the Piazzala Michelangelo, because on our map it looked like a nice park. Little did we know it was actually a hike up zig-zagging paths to the top of a hill with incredible views!

Here is the Duomo from a distance:

The breathtaking view of Florence from the top of the Piazzala:

You can see the Ponto Vecchio (from my last post) in the center, with a few other bridges behind it. Florence is pretty great.

Conveniently, at the Piazzala there is a fancy restaurant with a really expensive menu.

However, after commandeering an outdoor table simply to rest our legs for a bit, we looked at the menu and found that coffees and Prosecco were affordable, and came with little snacks. So of course:

Oh you know, just a glass of champagne with a beautiful view of Florence in the background. No big deal. That's the dome of the Duomo, btw.

After our afternoon drinks we hiked down to town again, and wandered a bit more around the city, searching for a delicious yet affordable pizza place - a harder task than we expected. Just as we reached the point of desperation we stumbled on Il Dolce Forno (the sweet oven, or something), which had really cheap but AMAZING pizza made on focaccia bread. Unreal.

Plus, they had this succulent dessert, Torto di Nonno (Grandpa's Cake):

The middle layer is nutella, btw. A pretty perfect end to a great day in a new city :)

Speaking of which, when are y'all coming to visit?!

Thanks for reading! :-D

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Gorgeous! Yummy! Envious doesn't even begin to cover how I feel right now. Glad you are having a great time!
