We like parks. And acrobatics. And acrobatics in parks.
Things generally start pretty tame, with some simple handstands...
(Moving pictures! wow! don't get worried, not all of the shots in the post are gifs. Only a few of them should be moving) |
And, of course, escalate to crazier things. Some successful...
Some...not so successful.
Nonetheless, we caught the eye of a little german kid who wanted to learn! He tried cartwheels...
But was much more interested in a two-high.
It should be noted that we sat him on Mickey's shoulders, and he clearly was not impressed. He immediately started to stand up on his own, without support. Bold kid.
So bold he tried to steal my shoes...
(also, those pants are a pretty bold choice...)
Ok, break time. Soups and roasted corn from the Mauer Park market. yummmm
ok, sorry. you know i like gratuitous photos of food...
...and cool people
...like Francesca. Who also gets credit for taking most of the photos in this post.
Also in the cool-shades club is Mel:
is she moving? |
And Sophie. duh.
who, by the way, was next to join the acrobatic party!
This creature can move! So it wandered over to Mel...
Who became part of the next adventure.
This one i'd seen in a photo that morning, and was determined to figure it out.
(did you notice my determined face?) |
We finally got it!
You knew it was coming... FLIPPING TIME!
And, of course, Mickey and I making things up...
How do we come up with this stuff?
yeah, we're weird. Deal with it.