Sunday, August 4, 2013

And We Have Faces!

Wait wait wait!!! I forgot a post! Weren't you curious about how we came up with the unmasked material for our show in Berlin?? Well quit wondering! I'll tell you!

As I mentioned, we each chose an ancestor and collected as much information as we could about them.

We worked with Michael Vogel, a performer and director with Floez, to start delving into the minds of our ancestors and building characters based on them.

Nicole's ancestor, her father, has a unique way to drink his cocktails.

Using each other as stand-in family members, we created family portraits that helped reveal relationships and themes from which we built improvs and scenes. (hey that almost rhymes!)

In Valentina Bordenave's dance/movement classes, we created sequences inspired by our characters and found ways they could interact...

work with...

and support each other.

Kenneth Spiteri helped us with the vocal aspect of things.

He challenged us with group improvs that combined movement and sound,

text work,

and music, helping us generate a ton of material.

And POOF! We've got a show! Ok, not really that easily, but that's what I've got photos of :-P Now go back and read my post about the show and pretend I wrote them in order!

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