When we left our heros, they were enjoying a lovely Christmas ice-skating adventure until midnight in Bergamo. Their night was short however, because their flight to Marseille left before dawn.
Less of a bummer was spending an hour watching the same moment of sunrise out my window on the plane, as we flew away from it, west.
Seriously, this moment lasted the whole flight:

Needless to say, caffeine was in order. And as luck would have it, Marseille has a STARBUCKS! Since we just happened to stumble upon it, and hadn't seen a single one it Italy so far, I figured a venti was in order.

Side note: it took ordering a venti in France to make me realize (with Rowan's help) that it's called a venti because that's the Italian word for 20, and it's 20oz.
We then found ourselves at the Viewx Port, which is awesome:

After checking into our nearby hostel, I unpacked my camera (forgive the blurryness of the previous photos. They were from the ipod), and we headed back to the port to catch a BOAT!
This is the view of the port from the back of the boat as we headed out to sea:
It was really cold and windy:

Moments after that photo was taken, we started hitting some serious waves, which sent major splashes onto this back deck of the boat. We stayed strong for a couple splashes, then decided to move to the interior of the boat...
but not before I snapped a shot of some random cathedral, which is beautiful and apparently has painted clouds behind it:

The boat ferries people to the Frioul Islands, on one of which is the If-Castle. You may recognize it from the Count of Monte Cristo movie:
We did get to explore one island! It was a very small island with lots of rocky mini-mountains (hills? not really...). This is a view of the Island's marina from the first place we climbed:
There are little outcrops and bays all around the island:

At the top of one little hill/mountain/thing there were some ruins. But not super old ones. We have no idea what they were or how old they are, but they were cool to climb around on.

Did I say climb around on? Yes. There was NO ONE on this island. no people, no signs, no limitations. Occasionally a little wire was strung up suggestion you don't go beyond a point, but as these didn't seem to be trying to hard to stop you, we (read: I) disregarded them and climbed around all I wanted.
Another view of the island we explored, and the one next to it, connected by a little bridge (I think man made)
FLASH FOWARD to another day in Marseille, one with a few more clouds (and only an ipod to take photos with):
Au Revoir!
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