When you have beautiful friends at a beautiful chateau with beautiful weather, you have to wander and play outside!

Oh yeah, and a beautiful cat, who really wanted out attention. It's name was Tamasham. or Tamaram. Or Tapioca. we couldn't remember.

There was a lot to explore. Ryan likes to climb on things:

Nicole and Sophie spent quite a bit of time playing with Tullula.

I like climbing things too. So does Tumbleweed. Nicole got a great action shot of both of us:

While the girls found a stage-like platform (yes, this is on the grounds of the chateau), and naturally, Contact Improv happend...

Wandering around some paths leading from the chateau up the hills I came across some cool plants:

One day we went to a small town nearby, found a park/playground with the BEST CLIMBING TREE EVER. First of all, it is giant. Second, there are branches low to the ground. Third, there are so many branches you can just keeeep climbing. Ryan and I literally climbed almost to the top. probably to about where the branch in the foreground of the photo is pointing. We had to stop though, because there was a giant bee's nest, probably about 2 feet in diameter, hanging about 10 feet above us at the top of the tree. It was awesome.

That was an ipod photo, by the way. So is the next one, which I took after we'd left Malerarauges and were on our way back to Marseille. We had to pull off the highway to pee in a ditch, but we had this great view while we peed!
Also pretty was the cat, Television. So here is another photo of her:
And with that last photo of Tipsy Kitty (our favorite name for her), I end this post. Thanks for reading!
The different names for the cat crack me up. And yes, I am stalking your blog all the way back to this post. I hear it's the highest form of flattery.