The title doesn't lie. The first thing we did in Berlin was find food. And it happend to be brunch.
And that brunch just happened to be at MorgenLand, the nine-time winner of the title "Best Brunch in Berlin". Lucky us, since we just picked a random restaurant and walked in off the street, not even knowing that brunch existed in Berlin.
It does. And it is epic:

No, I don't know who that guy is. I also don't know what all the dishes are, but I do know that there wasn't anything there that didn't taste good.
Oh, and there was more.

There were 2 other counters you can't see in these photos. One with sausages and chili and pasta, one with more fruit, crepes, and crepe toppings. Oh and hummus!
To my extreme excitement, one of the bowls in the photo above had rice pudding!! They didn't have cinnamon sugar to put in it, so I had to get creative with Cinnamon Toast Crunch:
And what are those pretty wine glasses filled with something delicious, you ask? A lovely creamy-fluffy-champagney-mousse. yumtastic.

We went back for seconds. and thirds. and fourths. until we couldn't move. Little did we know this would be come a theme for the week...
After we regained mobility, we decided to walk the brunch off a bit, and headed to a palace in the middle of the city, though I don't remember it's name. It's pretty though :)
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