Won't lie. Day two in Berlin meant brunch again, this time at the Fleury Cafe. Not nearly as epic though. Well, the food wasn't epic, though it was delicious.
The hot chocolate was a bit epic:

G. Ben takes a moment to experience the epic-ness of his hot chocolate:
This bird kept visiting the table next to us to snack on butter! I had trouble catching him in the act, but there is evidence: butter on the beak!

Then, lots of walking around various neighborhoods. Berlin is FILLED with graffiti! (lots of new additions to my graffiti album on facebook soon)
Right near the island there was a little artists market set up. G.Ben found this awesome stein with whiskers:
We ordered a litre of wine, which was delivered in this sweet metal canister. Plehals will recognize the style - it's the same as the cups at the cabin!
I forgot to mention that at the artist's market, Francesca bought a fierce pair of long red leather gloves. So clearly she had to wear them while delicately drinking wine:

Next was possibly my favorite part of the trip. We had happend to pass a sign advertising a cello concert that evening, so we came back to hear it. It was in a beautiful candle-lit room (yes, those are candles on the chandelier) with an old piano. The cellist was BRILLIANT. It was really incredible to sit so close and listen to him play.

I will update this post once I uncover my program (or borrow Katie's) so I can include the cellist's name, and maybe some of the repertoire.
Unfortunately, my camera died before I could stealthily snap a photo of the cellist, but I did get a nice one of the wine and pretzel I enjoyed during the concert, of course :-P
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