Sunday, September 23, 2012

Ponies and Puppies and Sheep, Oh My!

In planning our Irish vacation, it was insisted upon that at SOME POINT, we should have to stop our car to allow sheep to cross the road. 


But we'll get back to the sheep later. Our day of driving through the Connemara region began at a little wharf (I actually can't even remember how we found this place) that had some cool run-down old boats.

And as we've already discussed, old run-down boats are fun to take photos of :-)

Aaaaaand we found an adorable puppy....

Anna had a high-fashion, windy photoshoot!

Then back in the car we hopped to drive around tiny country roads in the hills, staying significantly slower than (insane) posted speed limits, and stopping sporadically to take photos of incredibly Irish-looking vistas, like this one:


There were tons of sheep, and twice, yes TWICE, we actually had to stop to let them cross the road. Mission: Accomplished!

We also stopped at little bays and inlets like this one in funnily-named-town #47: Letterfrack.

Twas pretty

and relaxing :)

And a visit to Connemara wouldn't be complete without ponies. Ok, well they're horses (I guess), but we still found them!...

And played with them!

And then my camera died...
(good thing we were just about to head home)

**Stay tuned! Also in Connemara we stopped at a cool castle with beautiful gardens - so many photos it clearly deserved its own post. That one is next!

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