Wednesday, September 19, 2012

This is a Post about Swans

Didn't want to beat around the bush about that one. 

We spent a day/night in Galway, a small but cool city on the west side of Ireland.  You know, just walking around, following the river, almost getting run over by a guy on a bike who ended up severely hurting himself, and seeing buildings and bridges!

Then we found baby swans (told you it'd be about swans).

They were cute.

Mom was SCARY! I managed to get an action shot of her SCREAMING at Emily.

But they still hung around, and the babies were cute.

Then we went to a pub for dessert. The most important thing to report was the amazingly ideal Irish man sitting by himself in the corner. The vest and tie, the hat, and the two pints of Guinness. I had no choice but to creep a photo.

And that's galway!

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