Monday, November 26, 2012

Shut the f*** up, Capri.

Capri is a tiny, cliff-filled island off the Amalfi coast. And it is ridiculously beautiful. 

The water is beautiful

The boats are beautiful

The trees are beautiful

The women are beautiful

And everywhere you turn there is a new stunning view

Seriously, STFU Capri.

We wandered up staircases and through tiny alleys, following little signs we discovered for some random restaurant.

Turns out the food is beautiful (and delicious) too

found a cool sundial,

an awesome windy road up a cliff

a great photo op spot

then another "STFU Capri" view

seriously, you can't make up how stunning this place is.

we found a beach, with a bathroom building that matched Nina perfectly :-P

I tested the water a bit (it was really cold)

And Nina had a personal dance party

We happend to time our ferry ride back perfectly at sunset. I even climbed on the roof of the ferry because there were no signs telling me not to. then i got yelled at in Italian. but I did get this sweet photo, looking back at the island.

Seriously, STFU Capri.


  1. Capri is one of my favorite places! It's so gorgeous, you're right! Glad you had a great time-- did you perchance get any gelato on the island? It's pretty great there.

  2. I did! but in fact Capri's gelato ranked pretty low on my list. however i'd been eating gelato all over italy for the past year so i have pretty high standards :-P
