Sunday, May 19, 2013

Church Oddities, or Why I'm Going To Hell

Europe loves their churches. Cathedrals, basilicas, chapels - most of them are huge, ornate, and expensive (but that is another post or conversation...). Many people go into these churches to see their beauty or experience a bit of their holiness.

I go into them for this:

Isn't he cute? With so much decoration in churches, there is plenty that I find quite amusing. Like this guy:

Heh heh, he makes me chuckle :-P

Then I see things like this and think, "whew. dusty!"

And just when I need to be reminded of the sacred space i'm in, there's Jesus, wearing pasties.

and, welp, there he is again.  A little more cleaned up, with a fancier crown, and still with pasties.

(someone should tell him it's sliding down a bit...)

Then I wonder if you can find something like this awesome lion-holding-a-cornucopia candlestick on ebay:

And as if it weren't already certain I am headed for hell, I discover the importance of point-of-view, especially for this guy's "sword":

But clearly I'm not the only one with less-than-holy thoughts:

Classy, tourists. Real classy. See you in hell ;)

1 comment:

  1. That lion looks like he's asking someone if he can put that thing down now.
