Friday, May 17, 2013

Prague: Czech It Out!

Off i go, traveling again! Which means more photos, and thus more blogposts. Or else I'll forget everything. (Pics or it didn't happen!!)

SO, we begin in Prague! Dad and I rendezvoused at the Prague airport and headed out to see the city of our ancestors! (well, they're technically from other towns in Czech, but still...). Above is the Astronomical Clock in Old Town Square. It keeps track of way too many things.

Here we have Wenceslas (yes, that Wenceslas) Square and the big boulevard attached to it. 

As you can see, Prague has lots of pretty colors. They don't mess around with their exterior paint.

And, naturally, they plant trees and flowers to match. duh.

Dad and I are wanderers. Well, we're intense planners, who also like to wander sometimes. And when one wanders, one finds cool things like little alleyways and Kafka statues. 

Who knew that Kafka was actually a bodyless suit with a tiny man on his shoulders?

Wandering does make one hungry. And thirsty. Luckily we wandered into a very Czech-ish restaurant with very large beers.

Look at that photo again, and remind yourself that my dad has large hands. 

While we dined, the sun had set and a castle had appeared! But it was late and all our wandering had made us tired (plus the fact that we had both been on trans-atlantic flights for the 24 hours prior and hadn't really slept in a couple days) so we called it a night. but stay tuned! We will visit the castle in due time!

Oh look! It has been due time! Off we go to the castle! 

But wait! There's puppets! (grammar note: that should really be "There're puppets", but that's much harder to pronounce and doesn't have the same ring to it. noted.)

Prague is really into their marionettes; there are shops all over the place. These are from my favorite puppet shop:

Then came the hike up what turned out to be quite a hill to the castle! Finally made it to the top!

(I never really show up in this blog...wonder I had dad take this shot of me to prove I exist)

So it turns out the castle is like it's own little walled village. There are 2 churches (next post), apartments, shops, psychiatrist offices, you name it. And luckily, an armory exhibit.

Ok, so we've all been in armor exhibits; we've seen the weapons and the armor. BUT I GOT TO SHOOT A CROSSBOW GUYS! A CROSSBOW!


(also, two pictures of me in one post?! crazy!)


Yes, that's a bullseye. You're allowed to be jealous now. And yes, i did get to keep the target and I carry it with me every day. (actually that's kind of true. it has been in my backpack for the past week....)

Also there was an armory gift shop. Dad pointed this one out...

Jury is still out on whether that's for protection, torture, or pleasure. You decide.

Once again, wandering (around a castle village on top of a hill) makes one hungry, so we indulged in some Czech delicacies.

This is a spiral-cut potato on a stick that has been fried. It's like one really long potato chip on a stick.

And guys, the Trdelnik. Your life is not complete until you've had this amazing thing.

It starts with some delicious dough that is rolled around a ... um... rod? skewer? this thing:

Then they roll it in sugar and toast it over hot coals for a while.


It's like a Donut Slinky. And it is impossible to hold/eat one and not make this face:

That's all for now! Tune in next time for Odd Things in Prague Churches (or Why I'm Going to Hell)!

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