Tuesday, May 21, 2013


What's a craybie? It's a crazy baby. duh.

It's similar to a crayzel, but a baby, not a pretzel. Are you with me?

Anyways, in Europe, there tend to be a lot of statues of craybies. Like this one, who is modest:

And those one, who has a foot fetish (or is getting kicked in the mouth. you decide):

This one is holding a beehive, which is dangerous. He must be a badass craybie. (craybass? no i don't like that.)

These two craybies are fighting over whose crappy leaf-gift the dead guy will like more, while creepy-craybie is creepin in the corner.

But wait, there's creepier! This one has a crucifix as a playtoy!

Apparently Just-My-Size-Jesus is a popular commodity, or someone made another statue of the same craybie when he grew up:

And a crayby with a spinny hat!!

Now we move from Prague to Vienna, where the craybies get slightly more powerful. They get to hold golden crowns...

...kill demons with weird torch/scepter things...

...and, in true craybie fashion, pick fish's noses.

In Salzburg, things get a little intense with this little guy who hangs out with a skull:

And finally, we have the luckiest of all craybies, who gets to hold a golden orb AND ride on caveman's shoulders while he rips a tiny palm tree from the ground!

Don't you wish YOU were a craybie??

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